Posted by Nel on 11/29/05 12:21
> Can you post the all code you're having trouble with, instead of just a
> couple of lines?
> --
> ==================
> Remove the "x" from my email address
> Jerry Stuckle
> JDS Computer Training Corp.
> jstucklex@attglobal.net
> ==================
Here is the code I am using - I have managed to get the code to re-create
two temp arrays and output the distance and userid in distance order, but
this seems very messy and longwinded.
See below
mysql_select_db($database_exampleDB, $exampleDB);
$query_numUsers = sprintf("SELECT dest.outcode, dest.x, dest.y, u.* FROM
postcodes AS source, postcodes AS dest, hotels AS u WHERE
source.outcode ='%s' AND ((dest.x <= (source.x + %s) AND dest.x >=
(source.x -
%s)) AND (dest.y <= (source.y + %s) AND dest.y >= (source.y - %s))) AND
u.outcode = dest.outcode AND u.fullname != '%s' ORDER BY dest.outcode ASC",
$numUsers = mysql_query($query_numUsers, $exampleDB) or die(mysql_error());
$row_numUsers = mysql_fetch_assoc($numUsers);
$totalRows_numUsers = mysql_num_rows($numUsers);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM postcodes WHERE outcode = '$Soutcode'";
$sqlresult = mysql_query($sql,$exampleDB) or die(mysql_errno());
$r = mysql_fetch_array($sqlresult);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($sqlresult);
$locX = $r[x];
$locY = $r[y];
echo "$totalRows_numUsers<p>";
if ($totalRows_numUsers > 0) { $temp = mysql_data_seek($numUsers, 0); }
$temp = 0;
while ($row_numUsers = mysql_fetch_assoc($numUsers)) {
$lid = $row_numUsers[id];
$netX = ($row_numUsers[x] - $locX);
$netY = ($row_numUsers[y] - $locY);
$hypotm = sqrt(($netX * $netX) + ($netY * $netY));
$hypotm = $hypotm / 1000 * 0.62 * 1.3;
$hypotm = number_format($hypotm,1);
$distance[$lid] = $hypotm;
$clist[$temp] = $lid;
if ($totalRows_numUsers > 0) { $temp = mysql_data_seek($numUsers, 0); }
$row_numUsers = mysql_fetch_assoc($numUsers);
array_multisort($distance, SORT_ASC, $clist);
$temp = 0;
foreach($distance as $dvalue) {
echo $dvalue." - ".$clist[$temp]."<br>";
2.1 - 6 (distance - userid)
2.1 - 106
55.2 - 71
55.9 - 26
57.1 - 85
58.9 - 24
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