Posted by David W on 12/07/05 21:46
My goal : obtain the error message if the connection fail.
## my code :
$cnxString = "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=toto user=atlante
$pgsql_conn = pg_connect($cnxString, PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW);
if ($pgsql_conn) {
print "Connexion réussie à : " . pg_host($pgsql_conn) . "<br/>\n";
} else {
echo pg_last_notice($pgsql_conn);
## if «php_value display_errors 1» the screen result is this one :
Warning: pg_connect() []: Unable to connect to
PostgreSQL server: FATAL: la base de données «toto» n'existe pas in
/home/willou/public_html/atlanpolis/wwws/tools/checkdb.php on line 5
Warning: pg_last_notice() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean
given in /home/willou/public_html/atlanpolis/wwws/tools/checkdb.php on
line 10
## If not, i haven't got any result. The message just appears in my
The return of pg_connect not seems to be an connection resource when
the connection fails.
Thanks to help me to find the problem,
[Back to original message]