Posted by Colin Fine on 12/09/05 12:47
Gordon Burditt wrote:
>>## if «php_value display_errors 1» the screen result is this one :
>>Warning: pg_connect() []: Unable to connect to
>>PostgreSQL server: FATAL: la base de données «toto» n'existe pas in
>>/home/willou/public_html/atlanpolis/wwws/tools/checkdb.php on line 5
> The error messages says that database 'toto' does not exist (assuming
> I have interpreted it correctly). *DOES* it exist? Is that wierd
> crap surrounding 'toto' some odd extra character that got into the
> database name, or something else? Can you connect to that database
> using a PostgreSQL command-line tool using the same connect info?
> Gordon L. Burditt
That 'wierd crap' is French for quotes. Don't worry about it.
But I think the OP is concerned about the error handling, not the
original error - and rightly: it looks like a bug to me (though I
suppose it might be that something doesn't support French properly).
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