Posted by Lars Eighner on 12/21/05 21:33
In our last episode,
the lovely and talented lawrence k
broadcast on comp.lang.php:
> /home/httpd/vhosts/ line 1: ?php:
> No such file
> or directory
> /home/httpd/vhosts/ line 2: syntax
> error near
> unexpected token `"tagIndexLibrary.php"'
> /home/httpd/vhosts/ line 2:
> `include_once("tagIndexLibrary.php");
> Why would cron have a problem if the script works fine from the web
> browser?
The executable is php, not your php script. The server knows
this. The operating system does not.
The first two characters of your file need to be #! followed
immediately by the path to php (not makeRss.php) - and when I
say first two characters, I mean the first two characters with
no preceding empty lines or spaces. Or you can call php from
chron with your script as an argument.
Lars Eighner
My mail reader can beat up your mail reader.
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