Reply to Re: Breaking backwards compatibility - good or bad?

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Posted by Wayne on 12/22/05 22:32

On 22 Dec 2005 08:08:53 -0800, wrote:

>>> Your second statement contradicts the first, but at last you agree that
>>> having $FOO and $foo point to different things is not a good thing.
>> It's not exactly a contradiction... I wouldn't allow both $foo and
>> $FOO in the same program. In a case-insentive language that's
>> allowed. I would want that completely disallowed.
>So you are forcing your personal preferences upon everyone else. That

No, I'd be making the language safer by disallowing stupid mistakes
and inconsistency.

Do you actually have an argument for the alternative or is it all just
personal perferences for you?

[Back to original message]

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