Posted by Steve Doria on 12/23/05 04:33
I am going to guess that it is caused by network latency. You may want
to run a local sql server that acts as a cache or buffer for that
script, especially if it is used intensively. Of course, you'll also
need to figure out how to deal with cache and buffer issues. I used to
overlook a site that dependend on a remote sql server. It was cool to
administer a "distributed" system, but it was not necessary and it cost
us connection timeouts. We ended up just putting the site and sql server
on the same network.
Steve Doria
gharmel wrote:
> I'm trying to get some clues on why I get (much) slower responses from
> my PHP applications when dealing with a remote sql server as opposed to
> a local sql server.
> Here's my situation:
> Server #1
> MSSQL 2000 sp4
> Windows 2000 Server
> PHP4 on IIS5 (CGI)
> Server #2
> MSSQL 2000 sp4
> Windows 2003 Server
> PHP4 on IIS6 (CGI)
> Server #1 and #2 are on the same local network and the same switch. We
> use TCP/IP as the connection protocol and our connections use IPs
> instead of domain names.
> Server#1PHP --> Server#2 MSSQL = slow
> Server#2PHP --> Server#1 MSSQL = slow
> Server#1PHP --> Server#1 MSSQL = fast
> Server#2PHP --> Server#2 MSSQL = fast
> This slower behavior is most noticable when many stored procedures
> (10-15) are being executed on one php page. When the database is local
> on a page such as this, the response time is around 2 seconds. When the
> sql server is remote, the response time is between 8 and 15 seconds.
> Does this make sense at all? Does anyone have any ideas of what the
> bottleneck could be?
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