Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/20/06 15:26
julian_m wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>class ClsX{
>> var $F_name;
>> ^^^^^^
>> function ClsX($name){
>> $this->Fname = $name;
>> ^^^^^
>> }
>> function GetName(){
>> return $this->F_name;
>> ^^^^^^
>> }
> Ohh! what a silly mistake...
> Thanks Jerry. BTW, What debugger are you using? I'm using PHP designer
> 2006 beta, which being a nice editor, has not the option to put breaks
> and things like that, nor even is able to detect such a silly errors
> like the one I had...
> regards - jm
Notepad. :-)
Seriously, I don't use a debugger. I tried Zend and loved it, but not
enough to pay for it. I haven't found a "free" one I like well yet.
I just interspace echo, print_r, etc. when I need to do some debugging.
It didn't take long to find your problem, though, just by looking at the
code. It's something I've done too may times myself :-).
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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