Posted by Matt Warden on 05/12/05 03:12
On 5/11/05, Vicente Werner <vwerner@gmail.com> wrote:
> > As far as I've seen in the projects i've used formsess with (most of
> > them actually), forms validation is present on almost ANY used
> > browser.
> As I said on prior posts, that ANY is what worries me: to me and most
> of my customers is between 10-20% of browsers and they prefer a
> solution that works the same way for every user, than switching
> systems.
Why would your users care whether the application works the same for
every user? How would they even know if their experience is different
from another user's experience? Why would they care about anything
other than your application *WORKING* for every user?
> > - since most validations are performed on client side, resource usage
> > is less intensive on the server
> To be sure of the data received, validation has to be make also on
> server side, you can't rely blindly on the data you have received.
This isn't what was meant. If a user makes an error, the user can be
alerted and can fix the error with zero trips to the server, if
client-side validation is used (in addition to server-side). This way,
the only time the server is hit is when all errors (that can possibly
be validated client-side -- which is not all of them) have been fixed
(or a user does not support the JS used).
Matt Warden
Miami University
Oxford, OH, USA
This email proudly and graciously contributes to entropy.
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