Posted by Richard Lynch on 05/13/05 02:14
On Thu, May 12, 2005 8:35 am, Christopher J. Bottaro said:
> Is there such a thing? You know, with single stepping, breakpoints,
> examining vars, etc. 100% of my PHP stuff is CLI (wacky, huh?) and I'd
> really benefit from a traditional debugger. Oh btw, I'm looking for a
> free/opensource one.
I suspect the IDEs are tied into the web-server with --enable-debug...
You *could* set up your dev box to run your CLI scripts through the web
server, just for testing/debugging...
The PHP GTK guys might have some insight on this one -- They do all CLI
stuff with a butt-load of objects, so they must do *something* for those
nasty objects, right?
Like Music?
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