Posted by chrisoftoday on 02/13/06 17:42
I'm quite new to PHP so apologies if this is a really simple problem.
I'm using a session variable to store a userID after login and trying
to build a query using this variable. I have session_start() at the top
of each page and have registered the variable like so ($username is an
e-mail address taken from some user input)...
By echoing it on each page I can see that the $user session variable is
correctly passed through several pages (where it doesn't get used), but
when I come to actually use it to build a query using the following
line of code...
$getmovlist="SELECT movTitle, movYear FROM movie WHERE movID=(SELECT
movID FROM fMovie WHERE uID='" .$user ."')";
.... the query which is constructed is...
SELECT movTitle, movYear FROM movie WHERE movID=(SELECT movID FROM
fMovie WHERE uID='cxi03u')
which returns nothing as the end of the email address (
has been cut off. If I echo the variable before inserting it into the
query it outputs the variable correctly (
alongside the incorrect query, but then if I refresh the page the value
of the variable has changed to cxi03u.
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