Posted by Bogdan Stancescu on 05/13/05 12:13
You probably mis-typed something:
[bogdan@myserver ~]$ php
if ("info" == 0) echo "is 0\n"; else echo "not 0\n";
Content-type: text/html
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.11
is 0
Erwin Kerk wrote:
> Hi All,
> Can anyone explain me why the following code:
> if ("info" == 0) echo "is 0\n"; else echo "not 0\n";
> Results in: not 0
> Whereas:
> if ("inf" == 0) echo "is 0\n"; else echo "not 0\n";
> Results in: is 0
> Notice the difference: info in the first sample, inf in the second sample.
> The used PHP version is PHP 4.1.2 (CLI version)
> Erwin Kerk
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