Reply to ¿Is smarty slow? Not at all!!

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Posted by Vicente Werner on 05/13/05 14:03

My current proyect is a new version of my company computer platform,
the previous one was made using a template engine of their own that
basically as a variable replacer, no hierarchical rendering, no
conditional fetching, none of the features that make smarty great. The
newer one uses smarty at it's fulles -except for caching, that is not
yet used-, and certain parts even build smarty templates on the fly.
Currently it has all the same features of the previous one and many
aditions so I decided to make a speed benchmark.

Rendering 1000 pages

Old version average time 3.4 secs
Old version maximun time 8 secs
Old version minimun time 1.2 secs

New version Average time 0.36 secs
New version maximun time 0.69 secs
New version minimun time 0.17 secs

Some other differences: Old version templates were stored on disk &
database, new one version just uses a database, old version access was
native mysql functions, new one uses adodb without any cache or speed

No source code from the previous version was incorporated into the new
one, it is a full rewrite without any look at previous code.

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