Posted by morty on 09/09/05 14:09
Thankyou for this answer.
Mayby you know som project based on metabase witch will allow me:
After i connect to database it will auto get information about tables
and generate forms to edit data in tables.
And second project that will alow the same way to edit tables propherites.
THX morty
Manuel Lemos wrote:
> Hello,
> on 09/08/2005 06:51 AM morty said the following:
>> Heloo I'm looking for some code, module etc...
>> that will help with creating databases with simple forms.
>> I need to have functionality :
>> 1. Create DB
>> 2. Create table
>> 3. I don't need users permission form
>> 4 Create table inheritance
>> It don't have to be so complicated as for exmple mysql or pgsql admin
>> And the main problem is that I need taht code working with diffrent
>> databases. I fought that maybe with pear i can get such functionality.
>> I want to add this to seagull framework :)
> You may want to try Metabase. That is a database abstraction package
> that provides you database independence not only for accessing databases
> but also to install the database schema.
> The part that I think you will like is that you can create databases
> simply by defining their schemas in a simple XML format. Then you just
> can Metabase schema manager class and it will install the schema in all
> supported databases, which include: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft
> SQL server, Informix, Interbase, Microsoft Access via ODBC, SQLite, etc...
> You may find Metabase here:
> http://www.phpclasses.org/metabase
> There is a tutorial here:
> http://www.meta-language.net/metabase-tutorial.html
> Here is an example schema definition:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
> <database>
> <name>test</name>
> <create>1</create>
> <table>
> <name>users</name>
> <declaration>
> <field> <name>id</name> <autoincrement>1</autoincrement>
> </field>
> <field> <name>user_name</name> <type>text</type> </field>
> <field> <name>user_password</name> <type>text</type> </field>
> <field> <name>reminder</name> <type>text</type> </field>
> <field> <name>name</name> <type>text</type> </field>
> <field> <name>email</name> <type>text</type> </field>
> <index>
> <name>user_name_index</name>
> <unique>1</unique>
> <field> <name>user_name</name> </field>
> </index>
> </declaration>
> </table>
> <table>
> <name>groups</name>
> <declaration>
> <field> <name>name</name> <type>text</type> </field>
> <field> <name>owner_id</name> <type>text</type> </field>
> <field> <name>description</name> <type>text</type> </field>
> </declaration>
> </table>
> <table>
> <name>group_users</name>
> <declaration>
> <field> <name>group_id</name> <type>text</type> </field>
> <field> <name>user_id</name> <type>text</type> </field>
> </declaration>
> </table>
> </database>
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