Posted by Sarah on 10/14/64 11:27
Hey gang, Have U seen those new iPod Nano's! They are so SMALL!
A friend of mind sent me to this site to get his free ipod, and so i checked it
out. I was a skeptic at first but after a couple months my buddy got his dang
ipod and I was in complete and utter aww...
check it out @: http://urlsnip.com/004602
If you don't believe me check out the hundreds of pictures of people who have
recieved their free stuff from free pay! @ http://info.freepay.com/gallery.html
If you are sill not convinced check out these news clips I found that show
exactly how these sites work.. (vidoes will load automatically)
This clip is from NBC Boston, it shows how this site can actully give away this
stuff for free: http://media.putfile.com/fipnbc20
This clip has an interview with the CEO of gratis (AKA FreePay), he explains the
legality behind this new craze: http://media.putfile.com/G4TTVfip2210
Gratis Internet LLC has just renamed Gratis Network to freepay,
its very own trademarked brand. All the Gratis Network sites has been
redesigned to match their new brand name. The domains of the old Gratis
Network sites has be changed to subdomains of .freepay.com
Here is Gratis Internets answer to what is freepay?
FreePay is a way for consumers to get high quality products for FREE!
So get on board fast, it is so easy.. just check out this site!!!
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