Posted by Neil Trigger on 09/30/05 03:22
provided it doesn't time out I'm perfectly able and willing to do that.
Neil Trigger
Magic2k Managing Director
"Hilarion" <> wrote in message
>> Firstly it seems that I'm unable to use BCC even with three emails
>> (copying myself in a few times using different addresses as test data).
>> You think perhaps I need to mail everyone individually?
> In my personal opinion as a mailing sender and as a mailing recipient:
> yes,
> you should.
> The mail looks much better if it contains recipient address in the "To"
> field and helps people who have multiple mail accounts with
> auto-forwarding
> (or multiple aliases on the same mail account) with distinguishing
> to which address the mail was sent.
> From the sender perspective it's better to treat each recipient
> individually
> because you can personalize the mail contents (you may for example include
> the recipient name in the mail body). It does work slower, but it's not
> that difficult to create a script / program, that is able to work
> within some time limitations.
> Hilarion
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