Posted by Hilarion on 10/13/20 11:31
> Hello, I'm using MySQL 3.23. If I have a table with two columns
> How can I write an SQL SELECT statement to give me the sales per state
> -- where the "REGION" column would hold the two-letter state
> abbreviation -- and sales per everything else. So a possible result
> set would look like
> Region Total_Sales
> --------- ----------------
> CA 10000.00
> TX 5000.00
> International 3000.00
> NJ 1000.00
Please read the manual. What you are asking for is a basic use of agregation.
SELECT region, SUM( sales ) AS total_sales
FROM table_name
-- You can stick WHERE clause here to limit what gets into agregarion.
-- Eg.: WHERE region = 'CA' AND (sales BETWEEN 500 AND 1000)
GROUP BY region
-- You can stick HAVING clause here to limit what is returned after
-- it got agregated, so you can use agregated data in theis clause.
-- Eg.: HAVING AVG( sales ) BETWEEN 700 AND 900
ORDER BY region
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