Posted by Jure on 09/30/10 11:38
This code works perfecty on mysql 4.1 bun my hosting is on mysql4.0.
silly me
Problem is on NOT IN
SELECT hotel.hotel, hotel.hotelid, hotel.price,,
FROM hotel left join region on hotel.idregion = region.idregion left
join place on hotel.idplace = place.idplace WHERE hotel.hotelid NOT IN
(select review_item_id from review where review.approve='y') AND
place.idplace = '$idplace' ORDER BY star DESC
How to get it work on mysql 4.0?
What I want.
Give me all hotels from some place (idplace) which are not in table
review or if they are in table review they have "n" in approve field
hotel.hotelid = review.review_item_id
Is it possible and how?
I don't know much about sql and I did this query with lot of help from
forums, documentations and some logic.
txh for your answers
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