Posted by Rincewind on 09/17/05 18:30
On 17 Sep 2005 05:11:14 -0700, jpwood@gmail.com wrote:
> Rincewind wrote:
>> On 16 Sep 2005 20:48:30 -0700, ishtar wrote:
>>> All I want to do is setup my web server at home to use blog software. I
>>> downloaded a freeware program from sourceforge.net called simpleblog.
>>> All it says I need to do is install PHP which seems simple enough. I
>>> goto PHP's web site and install PHP but none of the file associations
>>> on my computer see PHP files as anything? The first step of using
>>> simpleblog is to simply double-click on index.php but even if I
>>> associate PHP's executable to the PHP extension it simply pops up a
>>> quick DOS window and then disappears and nothing happens.
>>> I would have simply thought if I installed PHP on my PC I could run PHP
>>> files. Admittedly I am a newbie at this so any help is appreciated.
>>> Thanks.
>> RTFM http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.general.php
>> <Quote> For the first and most common form, you need three things: PHP
>> itself, a web server and a web browser</Quote> Notice which one of the
>> three things your missing?
> I already have all 3 and thus why I am confused:
> 1. PHP was installed from php.net following their exact instructions.
> 2. The web server I am using is Abyss by Aprelium and followed the
> exact instructions to have it work with PHP...found here:
> http://www.aprelium.com/abyssws/php.html
> 3. I am using Windows XP Pro and obviously it comes with IE 6.0
> Again, all I want to do is run an index.php file but all I see right
> now is either a quick dos window flash or if I hit my web server by
> going to http://localhost I see the script inside index.php itself.
save the following as a .php file then run it from you www folder:
if you get only the code returned then you have not installed PHP correctly
to your server, if you get a long list of PHP info then it works. But it
sound as though you may have missed something in the install procedure.
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