Posted by www.douglassdavis.com on 09/18/05 17:29
raf wrote:
> represented bus boys? The PHP problem was one level of concern, but if
> we had more insight into what you were trying to do it would make things
> easier.
> names matter.
> raf
> > sure.. that's an option. Since it's just a bunch of data that doesn't
> > change, I was wondering if i could use member variables to represent
> > them, rather than classes... But, good suggestion though.
> "bunch of data"? where the abstraction, man? "I've got a loverly bunch
> of data... here they are, standing in a row"
And thanks for solving the problem, that you knew nothing about. :-|
> > Because we actually like programming in PHP :)
> Just like Eiffel and Ada programmers, I suppose.
Ok, I'll give you Eiffel... Although many of the users are academic,
rather than real world. I remember I had to take a class on it. As
far as Ada goes, there's a significant number of people who program in
Ada because they -have- to.
Also, there is a difference between being "correct" and being
"practical." ;-)
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