Posted by sentinel on 10/13/01 11:27
Zeljko A. wrote:
> sentinel wrote:
> > 06: if ($rpool{'pgod'}<=$godina and $rpool('kgod')>=$godina){
> > 07: if ($rpool('pmje')<=$mjesec and $rpool('kmje')>=$mjesec){
> > 08: if ($rpool('pdan')<>$dan and $rpool('kdan')>=$dan){
> > What is the problem here?
> OK, at a glance: why is 'pgod' inside these {} parentheses?
> Zh.
04: $poolp = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `pool_pitanja`");
05: while ($rpool = mysql_fetch_array($poolp,MYSQL_ASSOC)){
06: if ($rpool{'pgod'}<=$godina and $rpool('kgod')>=$godina){
that's how i learned to read from an aray?
btw. i broke down the code to
if ($rpool{'pgod'}<=$godina){
if ($rpool('kgod')>=$godina){ <----* at this line
if ($rpool('pmje')<=$mjesec){
if ($rpool('kmje')>=$mjesec){
if ($rpool('pdan')<=$dan){
if ($rpool('kdan')>=$dan){
and the same error stops at the asterisk mark
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