Posted by steve on 10/20/05 21:07
techskill and the like, aren't very usefull at all. they teach outdated
languages, applied in an outdated methodology, and what's worse, teach
outdated design models and patterns. you will learn quicker on your
own...and, even though you may be minus a cert. or two i, as an employer,
don't even consider them (unless the applicant went to mit or cit)...imho,
it's all just a waste of time an money. and as an employee, no one has ever
asked nor have i ever not gotten a job after the first interview...what's
more, i've always earned 35 to 40 percent over the national average from
entry-level development to project management.
then again, some can't learn on their own or without direction. i suppose
whatever you feel is right for you. my best advice is that you create your
own oportunities and your confidence and determination will take you as far
as you'd like.
"James" <jmessick@triad.rr.com> wrote in message
| Does anyone here have knowledge of the training that TechSkills
| provides? They have self-paced training centers with a staff member on
| site who can, supposedly, answer questions. I'm looking at doing this to
| get current with some of the newer programming tools, but want to come
| away actually being able to program instead of just pass a certification
| exam. I appreciate all comments from anyone who has some input on
| TechSkills. Thanks.
| James Messick
| Kernersville, NC
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