Posted by Jason Barnett on 05/16/05 17:13
Emre wrote:
> yes i aware of php ini set, but there is no logic using that command for
> global changes that you use each time. if you want to change global
> php.ini settings for a spesific
> script than its useful, but to change global settings for each script,
> thats smt like overkill :)
> eg. you can use phpiniset to increase a script max execution time,
> espesiaclly for upload or image manipulation process purposes. but for
> global execution time setting
> must be set via php.ini. thats what that file is for.
Yep there are some php.ini options that you simply can't change at
runtime. Period. For a listing of these options that you can't change
you should go here:
> anyway after my research, I couldnt find a way to change php.ini
> location on
> this system: windows XP, apache 1.3, php5.
This probably isn't the method that you envisioned, but if you run PHP
as a CGI then you can specify which php.ini to use like the following:
<path\to\php>\php.exe -c <path\to\php.ini>
Obviously you need to change the paths above. :)
> it sounds a little bit weird. why cant we use phpinidir at apache 1.3?
> since its supported by apache 2.0, it must also be supported by 1.3.
> how hard can it be anyway? most people (like me) still use
> and trust old good apache 1.3.XX
> its time to mail bomb apache dev team I think. All php users with apache
> 1.3, unite !
> :)
Better be careful there... Rasmus is/was on the Apache dev team...
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