Posted by BearItAll on 09/26/17 11:31
I'm a bit stuck with bit, would appreciate a pointer.
Part of a company internal web based application, the user can send off one
or more preset html documents in response to a customer request.
The documents are compiled on-the-fly to a mime email, so that the documents
themselves can be worked on seperately by the marketing people. (you know
the ones, posh lunches and comfy chairs all for just putting pamphlets
The problem is that I can't get the emailer to use the ->setFrom parameter
For example, I might set it as,
$mail->setFrom('"Freddie Flintstone" <freddief@thiscompany.com>');
But the sender on the email will be,
WWW daemon apache <freddief@thiscompany.com>
i.e. the friendly name of wwwrun user that apache uses.
So I tried to set a specific user like this,
The from email address changes to 'freddief@thiscompanyserver.com, but still
with the friendly name for wwwrun
i.e. WWW deamon apache <freddief@thiscompany.com>
Plus tried setting a friendly name in passwd for Freddie, was hard to come
up with one for marketing but I got as close as I could manage.
So go on, tell me what I have to do and I'll send you this toffee thats been
sat on my desk for only a few weeks.
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