Posted by sam on 11/10/05 19:20
What are you expecting to see but an error ?
include_once 'http://www.argonauts-it.be/foo.php';
you are including a html file: the result of parsing the foo.php by your
because you are calling it from a http request (I assume that
is enabled in your php.ini file)
To get the result YOU EXPECT use:
If the foo.php file is in an other directory use:
"Didier Willame" <didier.willame@ieee.org> a ιcrit dans le message de news:
> Hello,
> I would like to use the 'foo' class stored in
> http://www.argonauts-it.be/foo.php .
> This the code ( http://www.argonauts-it.be/test.php ) :
> <?php
> ignore_user_abort( true );
> ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
> ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
> ini_set( 'allow_url_fopen', true );
> include_once 'http://www.argonauts-it.be/foo.php';
> $c = new foo();
> ?>
> And this is the raised error:
> Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: foo
> in /<blabla>/test.php on line 96
> I would like to use the include via the URL, to be able to share the same
> code within different domain names.
> All information allow me to continue is welcome.
> Thanks.
> Have a nice day,
> /didier
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