Posted by Gary on 11/15/05 18:37
Hi all
Finally seeking some expert advice please. With the following code
segment I'm hoping to update a predefined htm template page with some
links that are generated via another php script. However when I look at
the MySiteMap.htm file it seems to contain what seems to be buffered
screen data. Not only do I get the link inserted as designed I also get
all sorts of other screen displays inserts as well.
Can anyone see anything that is obviously wrong with the following code
Many thanks, Gary
<my code start>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<title>Untitled Document</title>
//Set up variables.
$WebsiteURL = 'http://www.SomeSite.com/index.php'; //Some Web
$MySiteMapTemplate = './MySiteMapTemplate.htm';
//MySiteMapTemplate.htm is a predefined htm page that I want to add the
links to.
$MySiteMap = './MySiteMap.htm'; //The target htm Site Map file.
$url_MySiteMapTemplate = $WebsiteURL . '/SEO/MySiteMapTemplate.htm';
//The url of the MySiteMapTemplate.htm file.
//NOTE!: $url_links is populated with a whole lot of link that are
concatenated together and not jsut the one link shown.
$url_links = '<a href="SomeLinkFile.htm" title="title"
//Create the Site Map File.
//First ready the MySiteMap.htm file for input.
if (file_exists($MySiteMap)){
copy ($MySiteMapTemplate, $MySiteMap);
copy ($MySiteMapTemplate, $MySiteMap);
//open the file with handle $file.
$file = fopen($MySiteMap, w) or die("can't open file");
//Read the MySiteMapTemplate.htm file into an array denoted as
$url_MySiteMap_lines = file($url_MySiteMapTemplate);
//Update the links in the MySiteMap.htm file.
foreach($url_MySiteMap_lines as $MySiteMap_line) {
if (substr(trim($MySiteMap_line),0,6) == '<body>'){
$MySiteMap_line = "<body><br>" . $url_links;
fwrite($file, $MySiteMap_line);
//Close the MySiteMap.htm filehandle.
<my code end>
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