Posted by worzel on 11/18/05 14:25
Here's the main parts - other code has nothing to do with it and doing a
str_replace works for other replacements, just wont work for n\r\
$address = eregi_replace("/\D/","x",$_POST['address']);
// other vars here
$body .= $br."Address: " . $address;
// more construction of emails body here
mail("$to","$subject","$body" );
// and off goes the email no problem - but line breaks still in boy fo rsoem
"worzel" <asda@sdarta.com> wrote in message
> sorry for similar / dupe - thought i confused the issue first time
> $string=eregi_replace("\n\r","",$_POST['address']);
> Why is this not stripping the newlines/returns from my HTML text area? How
> do i do this - do in jsp easy, asp very easy, but in php it gives me
> headache!
> my text are is wrap="soft" (and testing with ie in which this default
> anyway) i cannot see nothing wrong -even when i try str_replace() and
> other methods.
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