Posted by Flash on 11/27/05 00:07
I am learning php and I am trying to adapt the following to read several rss
version="0.91" feeds with encoding="iso-8859-1".
I mostly have the desired output that I want, BUT I do not know how to
correct a problem in the output: I am unable to decode "A" grave characters
appearing in item descriptions. Below is the relevant code used to parse
the rss feed. I have substituted several functions where
htmlspecialchars_decode_php4 is located without any change.
function htmlspecialchars_decode_php4 ($str) {
return strtr($str,
function charElement( $parser, $text ) {
if( $GLOBALS['title'] == true ) {
$GLOBALS['titletext'] .= htmlspecialchars_decode_php4
( trim($text) );
else if( $GLOBALS['link'] == true ) {
$GLOBALS['linktext'] .= trim( $text );
else if( $GLOBALS['description'] == true ) {
$GLOBALS['desctext'] .= htmlspecialchars_decode_php4
( trim( $text ) );
Thanks for any help,
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