Posted by steve on 11/29/05 17:55
"J.O. Aho" <user@example.net> wrote in message
| steve wrote:
| > | Keep in mind that HTML mail scores a lot more points in a spam check
| > | proper text mail, which can cause that the mail you send ain't
accepted by
| > the
| > | MTA.
| >
| > i'm sure the op's "in-mindedness" about the issue is irrelevant to what
| > probably required to actually do...i.e. by his boss.
| Yeah, bosses can be a pain in the ass and they shouldn't get into details
| all, just give a biog picture what they would like to have and let the
| programmer make the best option and not let any
| mess with the actual code or the HTML.
well...i'm a boss and a developer. is it such an odd request if i tell you i
want you to send a multi-part/mime email using php that can be read in lotus
notes or in outlook or outlook express or whatever?
my point was that your comment about the op's problem and spam checking do
not correlate. as a boss, i'd be questioning your logic and how it relates
to diagnostics. the op did NOT say that lotus notes wasn't getting the email
AT ALL...just that it looked like shit when viewed/read. my comment about
requirements and "in-mindedness" was a polite way for me to refocus *you* on
the actual problem.
your boss is your customer whether they know more about programming and
architecture than you or not. if he has a request or asks "can it be done",
your answer should always be "it's a computer, i can make it do anything you
want"...not because *you* are so good but that it truly can be done. the op
is probably in this type of situation and is taking the correct approach by
finding out how he can make it so.
but that's just my 0.02 usd.
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