Posted by Stefan Rybacki on 12/08/05 12:45
Curtis wrote:
> We found the following considerably more efficient,
> submitting each paragraph in turn to a series like this:
> if (strstr($text, "/"))
> $text = preg_replace("/ ETC.
> if (strstr($text, "*"))
> $text = preg_replace("/ ETC.
> if (strstr($text, "^"))
> $text = preg_replace("/ ETC.
> This sequence goes on for a goodly number of characters.
> Suggestions?
$text = preg_replace("/ ETC.
always the same, means if you found / you replace it with say _ and if you found * you
also replace it with _ or what do you do in the preg_replace? Do you use regular
expressions in your preg_replace? If not you can replace it with str_replace. By the way
str_replace also enables you to replace different characters with different replacements
at once. E.g.:
$text=str_replace(array('/','*','^'),array('replacement for /','replacement for
*','replacement for ^'),$text);
> --
> Curtis
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