Posted by Jefferis NoSpamme on 01/10/06 02:59
Dear Folks and Friends,
I screwed up somewhere and had this code working before, but now,
everything has fallen apart. I have a simple MySql database which has
the calendar week's first date starting on monday, with columns for
restaurants, and the format is as follows
Calweek_date Restaurant1 Restaurant2 etc...
2006-01-09 menu1 menu2 etc...
I'm trying to pull this week's menu from the current week's date which
begins on monday.
This may be a problem of simple syntax and it was working before
Christmas break, but not now.
mysql_select_db($database_utMenuCal, $utMenuCal);
$query_thisweek = "SELECT * FROM utCalMenu WHERE
DATE_FORMAT(utCalMenu.Calweek_date,'%v') = '".date("W")."' ";
$thisweek = mysql_query($query_thisweek, $utMenuCal) or
$row_thisweek = mysql_fetch_assoc($thisweek);
$totalRows_thisweek = mysql_num_rows($thisweek);
<?php echo $row_thisweek; ?> returns no value for this week. And
the query returns no data at all.
If I use this query: SELECT * FROM utCalMenu WHERE
DATE_FORMAT(utCalMenu.Calweek_date,'%v') all data in all rows are
returned, not just the current week. So it is working to a point, but
something is breaking down in the conversion to the current week...
Any help DEEPLY appreciated.
Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing
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