Posted by Markus Ernst on 01/14/06 14:27 schrieb:
> Markus, do you tried to build you own font definition files (like
> arial) and to use them instead of the Vera fonts?
I tried how to find out how to do it - but I just don't understand how
to use these tools; and I did not find a dummy-proof tutorial about the
usage of the provided tools. I did not even find out what I have to
learn in order to understand it... (Linux? Font technology? PDF file
Double-clicking ttf2ufm.exe opens a DOS style window for an instant and
closes it again. The readme shows syntaxes such as
ttf2pt1 [-options] ttffont.ttf -
Which are cryptic to me.
The source of makefontuni.php says:
print "Usage: makefontuni.php <ttf-file> <ufm-file>\n";
Which I don't understand.
I can build quite complex PHP applications that run well in shared
hosting environments; and I can also make a working and good looking
Font with FontLab, but I have no knowledge about the technologies in the
Thanks for your reply, and if you know an easy tutorial about this I
would highly appreciate to get pointed there!
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