Posted by Toby Inkster on 02/26/06 22:07
=========================== alt.html Statistics ============================
Total posts considered: 417 over 7 days
Earliest article: Sun Feb 19 21:01:07 2006
Latest article: Sun Feb 26 20:01:05 2006
Original articles: 55, replies: 362
Total size of posts: 828,713 bytes (809 kbytes) (0.79 Mbytes)
Average 59 articles per day, 0.11 Mbytes per day, 1,987 bytes per article
Total headers: 432 kbytes, bodies: 376 kbytes
Body: quoted 158 kbytes, original 190 kbytes = 54.61%, sigs 27 kbytes
Total number of posters: 119, average 6,963 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 72, average 11,509 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 23
==================== Top Posters by Number of Messages =====================
Poster Msgs
1: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 23
2: Luigi Donatello Asero .......................................... 19
3: Jim Higson ..................................................... 18
4: dorayme ........................................................ 16
5: Toby Inkster ................................................... 15
6: firstcustomer@gmail.com......................................... 15
7: Els ............................................................ 14
8: Travis Newbury ................................................. 10
9: Alan J. Flavell ................................................ 10
10: richard@news.vrx.net (Richard Sexton)........................... 10
11: Neredbojias .................................................... 10
12: David Dorward .................................................. 9
13: Stefan Mueller ................................................. 9
14: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................................ 8
15: Mark Parnell ................................................... 7
16: Stone Cold ..................................................... 7
17: Jim Moe ........................................................ 6
18: Andy Dingley ................................................... 6
19: Hywel Jenkins .................................................. 6
20: Jukka K. Korpela ............................................... 6
======================= Top Posters by Size (kbytes) =======================
Poster Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: Jonathan N. Little ............. 26 13 7 2 50
2: Toby Inkster ................... 10 2 26 2 41
3: Jim Higson ..................... 22 7 6 0 36
4: Luigi Donatello Asero .......... 19 8 5 1 36
5: dorayme ........................ 11 7 6 3 29
6: Els ............................ 16 6 3 0 27
7: firstcustomer@gmail.com......... 18 1 4 1 26
8: Alan J. Flavell ................ 10 2 11 0 24
9: Neredbojias .................... 7 7 3 0 19
10: Jukka K. Korpela ............... 6 2 8 0 18
11: richard@news.vrx.net (Richard S. 9 3 2 2 17
12: Travis Newbury ................. 12 1 1 0 15
13: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........ 9 2 2 0 15
14: Hywel Jenkins .................. 8 3 2 0 14
15: Stone Cold ..................... 8 2 2 0 13
16: David Dorward .................. 8 1 1 1 12
17: Stefan Mueller ................. 8 1 3 0 12
18: IEDesigner ..................... 5 4 2 0 12
19: Mark Parnell ................... 8 0 2 0 12
20: Neil Monk ...................... 5 5 1 0 12
================== Top Posters by Original Text (kbytes) ===================
Poster Total
1: Toby Inkster ................................................... 26
2: Alan J. Flavell ................................................ 11
3: Jukka K. Korpela ............................................... 8
4: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 7
5: dorayme ........................................................ 6
6: Jim Higson ..................................................... 6
7: Luigi Donatello Asero .......................................... 5
8: firstcustomer@gmail.com......................................... 4
9: cwdjrxyz ....................................................... 3
10: Michael Winter ................................................. 3
=================== Highest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
1: Toby Inkster ................................... 2 30 84
2: Alan J. Flavell ................................ 2 13 81
3: Andy Dingley ................................... 0 3 80
4: Stefan Mueller ................................. 1 4 74
5: Jukka K. Korpela ............................... 2 11 73
6: Mark Parnell ................................... 0 3 70
7: Michael Winter ................................. 0 5 66
8: firstcustomer@gmail.com......................... 1 8 59
9: Travis Newbury ................................. 1 3 52
10: Stone Cold ..................................... 2 4 47
==================== Lowest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
1: Neil Monk ...................................... 5 6 15
2: Jimmy .......................................... 2 2 20
3: Neredbojias .................................... 7 11 28
4: Jonathan N. Little ............................. 13 23 31
5: Els ............................................ 6 11 31
6: Jim Moe ........................................ 1 2 33
7: Luigi Donatello Asero .......................... 8 16 34
8: richard@news.vrx.net (Richard Sexton)........... 3 8 35
9: David Dorward .................................. 1 4 36
10: IEDesigner ..................................... 4 7 36
==================== Top Threads By Number of Messages =====================
Thread Msgs
1: CSS: Class error................................................ 31
2: Need css & graphics help..will pay good money................... 27
3: dynamic drop down menu.......................................... 22
4: dynamic drop down menu (part 2)................................. 17
5: Redirect 301.................................................... 16
6: Any Good Freeware HTML Editors Out There........................ 15
7: Background in css gives warning................................. 14
8: Question about building a simple site for ads................... 13
9: Image Border colour............................................. 12
10: Interpreting Web statistics..................................... 11
11: Missing sidebar................................................. 11
12: opinions on inline server-side code?............................ 11
13: Help this javascript............................................ 10
14: Changing CSS style in use for <TD> using Javascript - How?...... 10
15: cache in firefox................................................ 9
16: Include a file.................................................. 9
17: <META NAME="TITLE" CONTENT="">.................................. 9
18: Help with backward link......................................... 8
19: Problems with 'tabindex'........................................ 7
20: opacity......................................................... 7
======================= Top Threads By Size (kbytes) =======================
Thread Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: CSS: Class error................ 34 15 10 2 62
2: Need css & graphics help..will . 28 7 7 0 45
3: dynamic drop down menu (part 2). 22 12 6 1 42
4: dynamic drop down menu.......... 24 3 7 1 36
5: Interpreting Web statistics..... 12 6 11 1 32
6: Background in css gives warning. 14 7 7 0 30
7: Redirect 301.................... 18 5 4 1 29
8: Any Good Freeware HTML Editors . 17 6 3 0 28
9: Question about building a simpl. 15 5 4 0 25
10: Missing sidebar................. 12 8 5 0 25
11: ALT.HTML Statistics for 19/02/2. 0 0 21 0 22
12: cache in firefox................ 8 9 3 0 22
13: Image Border colour............. 11 4 4 0 21
14: opinions on inline server-side . 9 2 6 1 19
15: Changing CSS style in use for <. 8 2 5 0 17
16: <META NAME="TITLE" CONTENT="">.. 9 3 3 0 16
17: object tag, browsers............ 6 6 3 0 16
18: Help this javascript............ 8 2 2 1 15
19: Problems with 'tabindex'........ 6 3 3 0 14
20: I need a caption with my random. 4 1 4 3 14
========================= Most Replied-To Messages =========================
Message-ID Replies
1: <1140684624.617720.4330@t39g2000cwt.googlegroups.com>........... 16
2: <1140431243.377708.7700@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>........... 12
3: <1140528487.974156.102970@g43g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>......... 6
4: <pan.2006.>................ 6
5: <pan.2006.>................ 5
6: <1140531719.852825.279120@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com>......... 4
7: <1140525294.428466.28310@g47g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>.......... 4
8: <doraymeRidThis-B53C60.14144419022006@news-vip.optusnet.com.a... 4
9: <yMOdnb44JOwL0WfeRVnysA@pipex.net>.............................. 4
10: <qumLf.1661$No6.38870@news.tufts.edu>........................... 4
========================= Most Cross-Posted Groups =========================
Group Msgs
1: comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html............................. 18
2: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix............................... 10
3: rec.video.desktop............................................... 1
4: comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets...................... 1
5: soc.org.nonprofit............................................... 1
6: uk.net.web.authoring............................................ 1
7: rec.video....................................................... 1
8: alt.internet.search-engines..................................... 1
9: alt.html.dhtml.................................................. 1
10: microsoft.public.windowsxp.video................................ 1
=================== Top User-Agents by Number of Posters ===================
User-Agent Posters
1: G2.............................................................. 34
2: Outlook Express................................................. 25
3: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 7
4: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows........................................ 7
5: Mozilla......................................................... 6
6: 40tude Dialog................................................... 5
7: Forte Agent..................................................... 5
8: KNode........................................................... 5
9: Pan............................................................. 4
10: Xnews........................................................... 3
================== Top User-Agents by Number of Messages ===================
User-Agent Msgs
1: G2.............................................................. 80
2: Outlook Express................................................. 73
3: Mozilla......................................................... 43
4: 40tude Dialog................................................... 35
5: KNode........................................................... 32
6: MT-NewsWatcher.................................................. 23
7: Pan............................................................. 19
8: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows........................................ 19
9: Forte Agent..................................................... 13
10: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 12
======= Bandwidth-Wasting User-Agents by Average Header Size (bytes) =======
User-Agent Hdrs Msgs Avg
1: Netscape........................................ 10786 8 1348
2: MicroPlanet-Gravity............................. 10307 8 1288
3: Mozilla......................................... 52553 43 1222
4: 40tude Dialog................................... 42055 35 1201
5: G2.............................................. 91128 80 1139
6: KNode........................................... 36207 32 1131
7: Pine............................................ 10902 10 1090
8: Xnews........................................... 10736 10 1073
9: Mozilla Thunderbird............................. 12661 12 1055
10: Outlook Express................................. 73305 73 1004
===================== Top Servers by Number of Posters =====================
1: googlegroups.com................................................ 34
2: individual.net.................................................. 7
3: newspeer1-win.ntli.net.......................................... 6
4: postmaster.news.prodigy.com..................................... 4
5: per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au.............................. 3
6: corp.supernews.com.............................................. 3
7: hw-filter.lga................................................... 3
8: news.supernews.com.............................................. 2
9: news-post.tampabay.rr.com....................................... 2
10: pe1.news.blueyonder.co.uk....................................... 2
======================= Top Servers by Size (kbytes) =======================
Server Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: googlegroups.com................ 88 17 31 1 140
2: individual.net.................. 31 10 30 3 76
3: spool-big1.readnews.com......... 27 14 7 2 51
4: nntp.eclipse.net.uk............. 31 11 8 0 51
5: masternews.telia.net............ 19 8 5 1 36
6: newspeer1-win.ntli.net.......... 18 9 6 0 34
7: news.optusnet.com.au............ 12 9 6 3 32
8: per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net. 16 3 4 1 25
9: postmaster.news.prodigy.com..... 14 3 6 0 24
10: DIALUPUSA.NET................... 7 7 3 0 19
=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Posters ====================
Zone Posters
1: UTC............................................................. 45
2: -0800........................................................... 37
3: +0100........................................................... 9
4: -0500........................................................... 9
5: -0600........................................................... 6
6: +1100........................................................... 4
7: -0700........................................................... 3
8: +1300........................................................... 2
9: +0200........................................................... 2
10: -0400........................................................... 1
=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Messages ===================
Zone Msgs
1: UTC............................................................. 191
2: -0800........................................................... 85
3: -0500........................................................... 39
4: +0100........................................................... 30
5: +1100........................................................... 30
6: -0700........................................................... 17
7: -0600........................................................... 12
8: +0200........................................................... 5
9: +1000........................................................... 4
10: +1300........................................................... 3
================= Days When We are Most in Need of a Life ==================
Day Msgs
1: Mon............................................................. 43
2: Tue............................................................. 38
3: Wed............................................................. 31
4: Thu............................................................. 34
5: Fri............................................................. 59
6: Sat............................................................. 44
7: Sun............................................................. 84
8: Non-RFC822 Header............................................... 84
Stats compiled by Toby Inkster.
Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
Contact Me ~ http://tobyinkster.co.uk/contact
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