Posted by David Haynes on 02/27/06 02:44
Nancy wrote:
> Greetings:
> First, I apologize if my posting format is improper. The code below does
> what I intended it to do, but presently only displays 1 table entry. I've
> grown it to this point, but really need it to loop through the table and do
> everything where data_store_no matches $store_no. I've tried placing where
> at a couple different points with no real success - it either doesn't work
> at all, exceeds the time allowed for a process (presently set to 60 sec) or
> still only displays one table row. I regularly have problems understanding
> the online documentation and am obviously way over my head. Am I trying to
> do too much for it to loop? I need to display, in table format, 4 fields
> from each row that appears in the table where it matches store_no. I am
> limited to php ver 4.3.2. Any efficiency pointers and stupid mistake
> notices are also welcome.
> TIA!!
> nan
> [code]
> $store_no = $HTTP_GET_VARS['store_no'];
> // Lets look and see if there are any counts on file to retrieve
> $data_count_query = db_query("select data_query_no, data_query_id,
> data_store_no, data_count, data_return_code, data_return_message,
> data_select, data_query_date, data_zip4, data_radius from data_count_request
> where data_store_no = '" . $store_no . "'");
> // Set some variables we'll need
> $zip4 = $data_count_values['data_zip4'];
> $data_date = $data_count_values['data_query_date'];
> $data_date_formatted = substr($data_date,4,2) . '/' . substr($data_date,6,2)
> . '/' . substr($data_date,0,4);
> if ($data_count_values['data_store_no']) { // There is something in the
> data_count_request table for this store
> // set titles for data selects
> $DS001 = 'Nurturing Moms';
> $DS002 = 'Fill';
> $DS003 = 'Leading Edge Food Focus';
> $data_select = $$data_count_values['data_select']; // turns returned
> field into acutal variable
> // Check and see what the status of the count is
> if ($data_count_values['data_return_code'] == '99' AND
> $data_count_values['data_count'] == '0') {
> // This count was still processing earlier, lets look again and see
> if it's ready
> // Specify the URL string to open
> $queryid = $data_count_values['data_query_id'];
> $url =
> "http://data.website.com/databridge/databridge.asp?id=12345&pwd=PaSsWoRd&actioncode=2&campaign=01&queryid=$queryid";
> // open the url, get the returned data, close the url.
> $fp = fopen($url, "r");
> $strYourXML = fgets($fp);
> fclose($fp);
> // Parse the returned XML into a multidemensional array
> $objXML = new xml2Array();
> $arrOutput = $objXML->parse($strYourXML);
> // Flatten the array into a single array
> flattenArray($arrOutput);
> // Format it in a way we can use
> $formatted = array(
> $tmp['name0']=>$tmp['tagData0'], // COUNT
> $tmp['name1']=>$tmp['tagData1'], // PRICE
> $tmp['name2']=>$tmp['tagData2'], // QUERYID
> $tmp['name3']=>$tmp['tagData3'], // CAMPAIGN
> $tmp['name4']=>$tmp['tagData4'], // RETURNCODE
> $tmp['name5']=>$tmp['tagData5'], // RETURNMSG
> );
> if ($formatted['RETURNCODE'] == '0' AND
> $formatted['RETURNMSG'] == 'success') {
> $count = $formatted['COUNT']; // count returned from
> Experian
> db_query("update data_count_request set data_count =
> '" . $count . "', data_return_code = '" . $formatted['RETURNCODE'] . "',
> data_return_message = '" . $formatted['RETURNMSG'] . "' where data_query_id
> = '" . $formatted['QUERYID'] . "'");
> }
> // Checked data web site and count still processing
> elseif ($formatted['RETURNCODE'] == '99' AND
> $formatted['COUNT'] == '0'){ // count still processing
> $count = '<font color="red">Count Still Processing</font>';
> }
> }
> // Pull counts from table if they are there
> if ($data_count_values['data_return_code'] == '0' AND
> $data_count_values['data_return_message'] == 'success') {
> $count = $data_count_values['data_count'];
> $data_listing = '<tr><td>' . $data_select . '</td>
> <td>' . $count . '</td>
> <td>' . $data_count_values['data_radius'] . '
> mi.</td>
> <td>' . $data_date_formatted .'</td></tr>';
> }
> } else { // There are no count requests for this store.
> $count = '<font color="red">No requests have been made</font>';
> }
> [/code]
One thing that occurs to me is that the line:
$data_listing = '<tr><td>' . $data_select . '</td>
> <td>' . $count . '</td>
> <td>' .
$data_count_values['data_radius'] . '
> mi.</td>
> <td>' . $data_date_formatted .'</td></tr>';
over-writes any previous value of $data_listing.
Is this what you intended?
Why not make your queries more readable/maintainable?
$sql = <<< SQL
FROM data_count_request
WHERE data_store_no = '$store_no'
$data_count_query = db_query($sql);
[Back to original message]