Posted by jehousley on 03/01/06 17:13
During and after development I have profiled the speed of the
rss2html.php script. I run in on an old PII Celeron-450, so all CPU
intensive sections will be clearly show. What I have found is that the
processing is always very quick, except on very large (>100K) XML
files. On my slow machine that means less the .25 seconds. However,
it does take 3 to 5 seconds to reach some sites and get back results.
I have confirmed and got similar fetch from remote servers times on our
web hosting company which is very well connected.
There is a caching module available, free for registered uses of
FeedForAll and FeedForAll Mac. It is also available for purchase
separately with other scripts. This module saves a copy of the remote
XML onto local disk for a specified amount of time. This dramatically
speeds up processing, reduces bandwidth and removes the problems of
slow access during peek times.
FeedForAll Mac, PHP scripts author
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