Reply to Re: preload img

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Posted by Barbara de Zoete on 02/17/60 11:41

On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 03:36:47 +0100, David Dorward <>

> Barbara de Zoete wrote:
>>> CSS support is quite often lacking on hand held devices.
>> Ah, see. I don't aim for handhelds.
> Nor do I. It is an advantage of writing structured markup - you don't
> need
> to aim for any particular device, it "just works" wherever the reader
> cares
> to read it (or listen to it, etc).

>> I don't think my site is read with a handheld ever, or close to never at
>> least.
> Is this the age old "Nobody reads my site with Firefox, therefore I won't
> support Firefox, therefore nobody *can* read my site with Firefox, GOTO
> 10"
> issue?

Reading back, starts to sound like that, doesn't it? Sorry for that. I
seem to have fallen for the 'old attitude' some people still have about IE
and other browsers nowadays, just for an other technique :-)

Anyway, thanks for the insight in my own thinking.

[ prefetching images to be used with css rollover styles ]

> So why not use CSS to precache the images rather than HTML? Setting them
> as
> backgrounds on elements inside a 1x1 overflow hidden div would probably
> do
> the job (hacking around the issue of browsers not fetching images
> referenced by styles with selectors that don't match any elements in the
> document). It's a touch ugly in the markup, but doesn't come with the
> "Here's a content image" side effects.

That's good thinking. I like this solution. I'll remember it for future

Thanks, David for being decent and patient with me. For letting me learn

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