Reply to New window inheriting browser history? (Was Re: Creating a popup window)

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Posted by Andrew Donaldson on 05/21/05 15:04

Els wrote:

[author opening new windows]

> Then, if the user wants to go back to your site,
> they'll press the back-button on their keyboard, or click the
> back-button of their browser, but it won't work, cause your site is in
> another window, invisible to them.

I'm not advocating page authors opening new windows in the slightest,
but as a topic of discussion:

Back in about 1996 I used a browser which, when the user chose to open a
link in a new window, caused the new window to inherit the browser
history from the old window. I found this a useful feature because you
could then, if you chose, navigate backwards in the new window while
continuing elsewhere in the original window.

I'm not aware of this feature being implemented in any of the more
common recent browsers. Does anyone here know better, or consider that
it would be valuable?

Arguably, it might help reduce the confusion of users who have windows
opened automatically for them and don't realise, even if it might leave
them with a plethora of windows open at the end of a browsing session.
However, I think that it could be beneficial for "power-users."


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