Posted by MC on 03/08/06 13:34
Do you mean calling the procedure for any one table and then getting the
data from the table with a date filter? If yes, then you would need to use
dynamic string and send the table name and two dates to the stored procedure
as parameters. Something like
create procedure dbo.GetData
@tablename varchar(100),
@dateFrom datetime,
@dateTo datetime
select * from '+@tablename +' where date >= ' + @dateFrom +' and date <= '+
offcourse, you should check the part with dates and see what would you
actually want to get back. Do you want to filter by time, should it include
or exclude datefrom data in the results and so on. You should also consider
using sp_executesql instead of execute.
"satish" <satishkumar.gourabathina@gmail.com> wrote in message
> hi,
> i am a learner of ms -sql server 2000, i had a doubt in stored
> procedures
> suppose i have a data base having 20 tables, all the tables have a
> column named--DATE
> can we write a store procdure to find out the data ---i mean i want
> the data entered
> between two days ---- if i call the stored procedure in any one of the
> table i need to get the answer
> pls help me how to write the stored procedure
> satishkumar.g
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