Posted by Alan Cole on 03/08/06 18:10
In article <be4df$440effca$89781b7f$>,
"Mark@home" <> wrote:
> Can anyone tell me how i can prevent that users can see my connection string
> to mysql database?
> Using my browser i could easely use the function: view source.....showing
> the html/php code.
> IF the file includes the connection string than anyone could see my database
> name and password.....
> How can i prevent this??
> Please help.
> Mark
If the server is set up properly no php code will be sent to the
browser... php is a server side scripting language that is processed on
the server and should never get sent to the browser when a page is
Alan Cole. E-mail: justal at lineone dot net [Coastal Sports] [Website Design, hosting and promotion]
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