Posted by Jason Barnett on 01/17/05 17:56
Shawn McKenzie wrote:
> Thanks, but I'm not running Windows, I'm running just MS-DOS from a
> bootable floppy. Hence my question :-)
> PHP seems to actually be the php5ts.dll. Would there be binaries for
> MS-DOS or is there a way to get this working?
> Thanks!
> -Shawn
You darn trickster... don't tell me you're running DOS 3.2 even! Hehe
I don't know for certain that PHP will run on a pure DOS system. Maybe
it will, maybe it won't. In any case you can download the Windows
executable (or build it yourself from source, if you feel so brave!)
from To test if your script will work is the same as I already
php.exe -f yourfile.php
cross fingers and pray to whatever god(s) you might believe in. :)
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