Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/12/06 17:55
Scott wrote:
> Ok, Guys! I didn't mean for this discussion to get so heated!! Shake
> mice and make up!
> Now, back to the task at hand. Here's what I have so far...
> This is a simple contact form. I have the following fields:
> name, company, email, phone, subject (which is chosen from a dropdown
> list), and message (a textarea field). I am also using a hidden field
> called originator which contains the random code, as well as assigning
> that same value to $_SESSION['code'] as discussed earlier.
> The form contents are to be emailed, and possibly stored in a database.
> We'll just worry about email for now.
> When the form is submitted, the first thing I do is ensure the hidden
> field matches the session variable. If it does, the form processing
> begins.
> The form processing script so far does the following:
> 1)Take each of the text fields, run them through trim() and
> strip_tags(), and assign them to a variable. That variable is then
> checked against a regular expression. If they do not match the
> expression, an error message such as "Please re-enter your email
> address." will be displayed along with the form, and with all of the
> information they just entered.
> 2) The subject must match one of the options in the drop down list. For
> now, if it doesn't, I'm just pulling the plug with exit(), because this
> obviously isn't valid data.
> 3) With the message, I want to be fairly flexible, mainly because this
> is a contact form for potential customers to contact me, and I don't
> want to annoy them into going elsewhere. I am running it through trim()
> and strip_tags(), but haven't decided yet on a regular expression to
> use, or even if I really need to.
> After all this, if no error message has been generated, the form
> contents are emailed to me. Since this data is being passed to a mail()
> function, spam was pretty much my main concern. However, I'm wondering
> also, would you deem it necessary to use escapeshellcmd() on this data
> as well? I'm no Linux guru, so I don't know what someone could do to
> cause problems with this script, other than spam me.
> What further steps would you take on this script?
> Scott
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Chung Leong wrote:
>>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>> Chung Leong wrote:
>>>>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>>> And I wasn't interpreting it in the "worst of light". I was
>>>>>> interpreting it in the light of simple security.
>>>>>> What he's proposing is false security - which is worse than no
>>>>>> security
>>>>>> at all. At least with the latter you know you have potential
>>>>>> vulnerabilities.
>>>>> I really don't know what to say. The OP proposed a method for stopping
>>>>> one type of cross-site scripting attack and here you are insisting
>>>>> that
>>>>> it's crap because it doesn't stop bots.
>>>> And it doesn't stop what he's trying to stop!
>>> How so? Because...it doesn't stop bots?
>> You can't see your solution is total trash? I'm sorry for you - and
>> even more so for your customers. I hope I never have to take over a
>> site you've worked on.
>> I'm not even going to bother to continue this discussion.
>> You go ahead and give people a false sense of security. I hope no one
>> gets hurt by your poor advice.
>> Meanwhile - I'll continue a conversation with the original poster -
>> but you're not worth the time.
First of all, you aren't going to stop spam from coming through your
mail form without stopping people from sending you mail.
But if all you're trying to do is stop someone from spamming you through
your form, I think you're overly concerned about a problem which doesn't
currently, and most probably won't exist.
Spammers get their money by sending millions of emails to millions of
different people. Sending one or two (or even a million) emails to one
person just isn't productive for them.
I have yet to see any significant SPAM come through contract forms which
have good checking against injection attacks. And the SPAM I have seen
go through those forms are all entered manually anyway.
My suggestion - just worry about the injection attacks. Don't worry
about anything else unless you see a problem.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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