Posted by saz on 03/13/06 05:00
In article <1142188110@f2.n134.z1.fidonet.org>,
NOSPAM.STOP.gbbsg@shaw.ca says...
> Hi saz,
> Sunday March 12 2006, saz writes to All:
> > From: saz1958@nospammersexcite.com
> > Your business website is the first thing the potential
> > customer will notice. You should make *that* your priority.
> But of course.. Think I don't know that.
Obviously not, or it would look better.
> > First impressions stick, and your business website makes a
> > lousy first impression.
> Easy to criticize, isn't it.
Yes, especially when I see the garbage you pass for website design.
You forgot to my other observation:
"From what your portfolio shows, you don't appear to be very busy."
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