Posted by Norman Peelman on 09/28/63 11:42
"Newbie Supreme" <newbiesupreme@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> I'm practicing using form fields to add, subtract, multiply, etc., and
> that data to pages as well as to email scripts. It seems I'm decent with
> basic calculations, but when it comes to things like adding an amount if a
> certain checkbox is clicked, or using if/thens, I'm totally at a loss.
> Can anyone show me the php used to do the following:
> Page 1 has Field1, Field2, and Field3, all textboxes. It also has Check1
> and Check2 These are checkboxes.
> How can page two show the result of:
> ((Field1 + Field2) x Field3) + 300 if Check1 is checked (0 if not) + 100
> Check2 is checked (0 if not)
> For example, if on the 1st page the user puts 10 in Field1, 5 in Field2,
> 4 in Field3, then checks Check2, the result is 160 (10 + 5, multiplied by
> then adding 100).
> Any help is appreciated, or if you know of a website that shows
> with form fields in PHP, going from basic to complex, I would love to find
> it. I found one for ASP that was very helpful, it shows the code and had
> example pages for progressively more complicated calculations, with very
> small increments of difficulty, so you could learn very quickly.
> Thanks for reading.
minus any error checking:
if (isset($_REQUEST['Check1']))
$tmp = 300;
$tmp = 100;
$tmp = 0;
/* you can also do this shortform once you get the hang of it
$tmp = isset($_REQUEST['Check1']) ? 300 : isset($_REQUEST['Check2']) ? 300 :
$result = (($_REQUEST['Field1'] + $_REQUEST['Field2']) *
$_REQUEST['Field3']) + $tmp;
echo $result;
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