Posted by Will on 05/23/05 16:17
Geoff Berrow wrote:
> I noticed that Message-ID: <Qocke.132156$>
> from Will contained the following:
>>I am
>>pretty stumped by this. I figure it must have to do with the sessions
>>but I don't know.
> And neither will we without seeing the code.. Have you considered
> passing the information in the URL instead of using sessions?
It is amazing what a good night's sleep will do. I worked on this
problem for over 2 hours yesterday and could not figure it out. I was
going to put up the site so you could see and I noticed that the urls in
the links ended with a /. Once I removed that then everything worked
fine. I wouldn't have thought the / at the end of a url mattered but I
have never put one there before so I guess I would have never seen this
before. If you still want to look it is at .
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