Posted by Beowulf on 03/17/06 21:14
rj wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a table with columns:
>> Name, english, french, spanish, german
>> values (eg)
>> John, 20, 20, 30, 30
>> I want to diplay the data as:
>> john, 20 john, 20 john, 30 john, 30
>> how do i do this?
>> Thanx in advance..
>Madhivanan wrote:
> Select Name, english from table
> union all
> Select Name, french from table
> union all
Assuming english, french, spanish, and german are all in the same table,
as you stated above, it seems a simple select query can accomplish
what you want without the overhead of UNION (not sure if that's an issue):
SELECT Name, english, Name, french, Name, spanish, Name, german
FROM table
will display:
john, 20, john, 20, john 30, john, 30
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