Posted by Gordon Burditt on 03/20/06 04:41
>I'm writting a PHP script to send mail using a remote SMTP server. I've
>tried it with my localhost SMTP server and it works fine but I want to
>try it with a remote server now.
Does it matter if it's listed in every SPAM blocking list now and
for the next millennium?
>Where can I get a free mail account that supports SMTP with no
I hear Dell sells some pretty good servers. You have to set them
up on your own network, though. Even a fairly wimpy desktop machine
can act as a server if you don't put too much load on it.
>I'm not able to find it. I don't care how much space it
>gives or if it's ad supported. I'm learning PHP and I just want to test
>my script.
Gordon L. Burditt
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