Posted by p_bali on 03/20/06 21:20
I have a PHP5 script that creates an XML file and sends the file via
FTP. The script runs from the browser smoothly. No problem. I am trying
the use the same script from the windows xp command line. My version
info as follows:
PHP 5.1.2 (cli) (built: Jan 11 2006 16:40:00)
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Zend Technologies
* *
Everything runs until I start using DOM functions... And I got the
following errors:
PHP Warning: domdocument::domdocument(): Entity: line 1: parser error
: Start t
ag expected, '<' not found in C:\wamp\www\fulfillment\sendxmlcli.php on
line 52
Warning: domdocument::domdocument(): Entity: line 1: parser error :
Start tag ex
pected, '<' not found in C:\wamp\www\fulfillment\sendxmlcli.php on line
PHP Warning: domdocument::domdocument(): 1.0 in
cli.php on line 52
Warning: domdocument::domdocument(): 1.0 in
hp on line 52
PHP Warning: domdocument::domdocument(): ^ in
i.php on line 52
Warning: domdocument::domdocument(): ^ in
on line 52
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method domdocument::appendChild()
in C:\wamp
\www\fulfillment\sendxmlcli.php on line 54
Fatal error: Call to undefined method domdocument::appendChild() in
fulfillment\sendxmlcli.php on line 54
* * *
The lines aforementioned are:
52: $dom = new DOMDocument("1.0");
54: $printorder = $dom->appendChild($dom->createElement('printorder'));
I searched the internet but couldn't find much information. I
appreciate your input on this matter.
Thanks in advance,
Pelin Bali
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