Posted by Neredbojias on 03/23/06 22:33
With neither quill nor qualm, trippy quothed:
> In article <MPG.1e8c1b805128c51c989844@news.isp.com>, Neredbojias took
> the hamburger, threw it on the grill, and I said "Oh wow"...
> > With neither quill nor qualm, trippy quothed:
> >
> > <snip a bunch of crap>
> > >
> > > You're under the impression that I need you for anything. I'll find my
> > > way just fine without you. Sheeya. Dick.
> >
> > That's exactly the point, drippy. Indeed, find your own way with your
> > best effort and _then and only then_ if you have real problems, ask.
> > Don't whine about every little thing that might need to be researched to
> > resolve. Of course, those who prefer posting crass invective in
> > response to differing opinions probably lack the adroitness necessary to
> > succeed in any case.
> >
> It's not the opinion difference I had the problem with, it's the
> arrogance that went along with it. Just because people know things, why
> tease the ones who don't? It's stupid. I've seen some of the sites that
> come out of here. Some are impressive. And yeah, people asking you for
> shit all the time gets old. I get that. But I was asking out of genuine
> curiosity, not because I needed something to happen, or whatever.
Yes, I've seen arrogance here, too. I don't particularly think Alan was
being arrogant, -a little short maybe, but perhaps we differ in that
I've also seen teasing, some of it probably unintentional, some not.
And it's sad, even pathetic, certainly juvenile along with the
arrogance. Fortunately, however, we having a resident "initiator" to
help inure newbies to the exigencies of alt.html. We try to spread him
around as much as we can, but shit only goes so far. Anyway, I suggest
you'd greatly benefit from reading a subset of the plethora of past
postings authoring by Onideus Mad Hatter and his not-always-willing
lackeys. They give new meaning to pretentiousness (-meaning the posts,
of course,) and make unaffiliated efforts seem so much more palatable
than otherwise.
> And I pretty much took it all out on you today. FWIW, that wasn't
> intentional.
Everybody needs to let off steam occasionally. But how we do it counts
for something as well as our principles and usual behavior.
Contrary to popular belief, it is believable.
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