Posted by ljb on 05/26/05 03:32
mike_walsh@mindspring.com wrote:
> I would like to use PHP's Sybase extension. I am running my development
> area on Windows under IIS. When I enable the Sybase extension, I get a
> message that indicates the extension didn't load. After doing some digging
> I have learned that in order for the Sybase extension to work
> (php_sybase_ct.dll) I need libct.dll.
> After Googling libct.dll and php_sybase_ct.dll and following several
> threads, it appears that many people have had the same problem and come to
> the same conclusion but no where did I find the information on where to
> actually find libct.dll. A search of the Sybase web site didn't yield
> anything either.
> Can anyone enlighten me as to what I need to install and more importantly,
> where to get it from in order to get past this obstacle?
If you were developing on Unix/Linux, I would suggest using freetds for the
low-level library. On Windows, it might be better to use the PHP ODBC
extension instead of the PHP sybase_ct extension. Can your application use
ODBC instead? But the general answer to your question is that the low-level
library like libct.dll (or ODBC) has to come with the database software.
No, Sybase doesn't make it available separately as far as I know, and in
fact they don't even make it easy to find out how to buy it (apart from
being included in the database product). But if your Windows box can talk
to the database (with Sybase central, for example) then it already has the
low-level ODBC drivers from Sybase, and PHP should be able to use those
with the ODBC extension.
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