Posted by Richard Quick on 05/26/05 12:52
"King of Red Lions" <thaynes/no_spam/> wrote in message
> Hi, i have a blog and every new post appears in a <td> within a table.
> This table is contained within a <div> and I was wondering if there was
> anyway of forcing the <div> to scroll side horizontaly! This would help
> as my blog displays the 8 newest posts. Many thanks in advance!
You can us CSS to achieve (more or less) what you are after.
First you need to give your div a class
<div class="scroller"><table> ........ </table></div>
Then in the head have the following code:
<style type="text/css"><!--
div.scroller {
height: 75px;
width: 200px;
overflow: auto;
div.scroller table {
height: 55px;
margin: 0;
The dimensions of the div will be fixed at 75x200px. If the table is larger
than that the div will sroll in which ever direction it needs to.
If the table (plus scroll bar) is less high than the div, but wider then it
will scroll horizontally.
I've made the height of the table small enough to allow for the scroll bar.
Hope this helps.
Richard Quick
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