Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 05/26/05 15:56
manish wrote:
> "thehuby" <rick.huby@e-connected.com> wrote in message news:<1116575927.241312.25240@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>...
>>You could also try using myStr = nl2br(myStr) - this is PHP's built in
>>function for doing what you are describing.
> I am using the textarea to enter the data from the form into the
> database. In the textarea, the data was entered as (new line and
> spaces)
> Welcome
> My web site
> Hello everyone,
> In this site you will find some php code.
> The data was saved in the database field exactly the same.
> Now in the edit form, the data was again displayed exactly the same in
> the textarea exactly the same. But when the data was echoed in the php
> code, the data was displyed without the spaces that was inserted. The
> variabled that was echoed in both textare (at edit time) and at
> displaying come from the database.
> Welcome
> My web site
> Hello everyone,
> In this site you will find some php code.
> Now can anyone help with the problem, so that spaces are also
> displayed.
They're there - look at your source. The HTML parser will remove out
extra white space.
You can surround the output with <pare></pre> or convert the extra
spaces to
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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